Today's Witness Thursday, 13 February 2025, 06:19 PM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Tuesday, 07 January, 2025 01:09:AM
S.Jaishankar stayed quite long in the USA probably to meet president-elect Trump but unfortunately meeting could not take place and he has returned back source says. Though the purpose has not been disclosed but the countrymen guessed a lot source says. In the melee of this closely watched matter everyone including tubers forgot to keep an eye on possibility of clubbing of all three cases on Adani and transfer of the cases to Federal Court from Legal Council source says. The shifting means that the President may interfere and even pardon the convicted one source says. Trump in his last tenure pardoned 144 persons source says. Some were even convicted by the court source says. The cases of the Legal Council are out of the jurisdiction of the President's preview source. It's also interesting to know that the process of investigating the cases by Federal Courts outside the country is a matter of to go through in legal books source says. The entire world knows the friendship between Trump and PM source says.