Today's Witness Thursday, 13 February 2025, 06:56 PM, ( Updated at 11:30 AM Daily)
Monday, 13 January, 2025 10:52:PM
The voters of Delhi in some constituencies are lucky to have free items being distributed by political leaders to woo them to vote for them or their party source says. No political party is talking about real issues being faced by voters like, the high price, inflation, pollution, unemployment or poor law and order but talking about AAP -DA, Sheesh Mahal versus Rajmahal, Purvanchali Samman and Jat reservations etc. A BJP leader was seen distributing hard cash and after being trolled started distributing Chaadar source says.
One ticket aspirant was seen distributing free Specs and goggles and one current Councillor of trans-Yamuna, Shahadara area is distributing shoes to everyone in the area source says. He has a big shoe showroom in the area. Correspondents to check the reality of the rumour, visited the showroom, and they were also given free shoes source says. Encouraged by this they took their family members, who all were also greeted and gifted with shoes source says. Seems the political parties are not having any serious issues to solve but only want votes on issues of no value source says.